Energy Star is a proud ENERGY STAR partner and offers Energy Saving light bulbs.
About Energy Efficient Light bulbs and Energy Star
ENERGY STAR is a joint program of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and the U.S. Department of Energy helping us all save money and protect the environment through energy efficient products and practices.
Results are already adding up. Americans, with the help of ENERGY STAR, saved enough energy in 2010 alone to avoid greenhouse gas emissions equivalent to those from 33 million cars — all while saving nearly $18 billion on their utility bills.
Advantages of Energy Saving Light Bulbs:
Energy Efficient Light Bulbs save money in electricity cost and can save more than $50 over its lifetime
- Energy Saving light bulbs uses about 75% less energy than traditional incandescent light bulbs and last at least 6 times longer
- Energy Efficient bulbs produces about 75% less heat, so it’s safer to operate and can cut energy costs associated with home cooling
As the demands for environmentally friendly lighting solutions continue to increase, is providing the consumers with a huge varriety of energy saving light bulbs to retrofit their existing halogen and incandescent fixtures, like:
- Compact Fluorescent Energy Saving light bulbs
- LED Energy Saving light bulbs
Energy Saving light bulbs for the Home
If every American home replaced just one light bulb with an energy saving light bulb that's earned the ENERGY STAR, we would save enough energy to light 3 million homes for a year, save about $600 million in annual energy costs, and prevent 9 billion pounds of greenhouse gas emissions per year, equivalent to those from about 800,000 cars.
Energy efficient light bulbs choices can save families about a third on their energy bill with similar savings of greenhouse gas emissions, without sacrificing features, style or comfort. ENERGY STAR helps you make the energy saving bulbs choice:
- If looking for new energy efficient light bulbs, look for ones that have earned the ENERGY STAR. They meet strict energy efficiency guidelines set by the EPA and US Department of Energy.
For Business
Because a strategic approach to energy management can produce twice the savings — for the bottom line and the environment — as typical approaches, EPA’s ENERGY STAR partnership offers a proven energy management strategy that helps in measuring current energy performance, setting goals, tracking savings, and rewarding improvements.
EPA provides an innovative energy performance rating system which businesses have already used for more than 200,000 buildings across the country. EPA also recognizes top performing buildings with the ENERGY STAR.
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