Time To Change Your Light Bulbs

SIOUX FALLS, SD - Many consumers are still in the dark about the upcoming light bulb switch. Incandescent bulbs are being phased out, starting in a little over a month.
When it's as easy as flipping a switch, most people don't give their light bulbs a second thought. But they'll have to come January first when 100 watt incandescent bulbs will be phased out.
"No, I didn't know that. Uh-oh, I have to stock up then," consumer David Judd said.
The fact is, most consumers don't. According to a survey by Sylvania, only a third of those asked knew that 100 watt bulb was being dimmed.
"It's been over 100 years they've had incandescent light bulbs; now they have to change and lot of them are not ready for that big of a change," Jim Rogers of Ace Hardware said.
And not every one is sold on the alternatives which include CFLs, LEDs and halogen bulbs.
"I like the old ones, just because of the brightness of the light. The intensity of the light is a little different. When you go to turn on energy saving ones, unfortunately it takes a while for them to turn on and get bright and I'm not the most patient person when it comes to that stuff, so I do usually use regular light bulb," Consumer Chad Garnes said.
But once those regular 100 watt bulbs are gone, they're gone.
"They haven't manufactured them, the way I understood it, it's been about a year. So what's left in the warehouse is all there is," Rogers said.
Even after those 100 watt incandescent bulbs are off the shelves come January, you'll still be able to buy specialty bulbs like ones for three-way lamps.
Other wattages of incandescent bulbs will also begin disappearing off shelves for the next two years until they're all gone.
Another problem with the new more energy efficient bulbs is that the base doesn't always fit older light fixtures. The companies that make the bulbs say they're working on that.
Source for article: Keloland